Gospel Readings and Teachings

Prayer For Sick Person In Hospital

Prayer For Sick Person In Hospital

Lord, I pray that You would keep this sick person from desiring to eat anything that will make them feel worse.

Lord, I pray that You would keep this sick person from desiring to eat anything that will make them feel worse.

Lord, I pray that You would keep this sick person from desiring to eat anything that will make them feel worse.

I know they are hurting and they need strength, but I also know that if they eat too much it will make them feel even more ill. Please help them to be able to control their appetite and desire for food. May they only eat what they need to sustain themselves in order to get well faster.

I pray that you would prevent this sick person from eating anything that will delay their healing and recovery.

I pray that you would prevent this sick person from eating anything that will delay their healing and recovery.

  • Don’t eat anything that will make you feel worse — the last thing a person needs is food poisoning or food aversions when they’re already ill.
  • Don’t eat anything that will delay your healing and recovery — missing months of work can be devastating for some people, as well as preventing them from spending time with loved ones.
  • Don’t eat anything that will cause you to gain weight — obesity rates are steadily rising in America, and it’s no secret why: many people have poor eating habits fueled mostly by craving unhealthy foods like processed sweets or fried chicken sandwiches (which are both delicious). It’s important not only for your physical health but also for your mental well-being to maintain a healthy diet while undergoing treatment. You don’t want to waste all those expensive tests at the doctor only find yourself heavier than before!
  • And don’t forget: if there are any foods out there specifically designed for patients recovering from surgery or illness — such as gelatin desserts made with low fat milk rather than full cream milk? Those might be best avoided altogether because even though they’ll taste great at first bite—but then what happens next? Sugar crash!

Help this sick person to use the time they are in the hospital well. They may be there for a short time or longer but let them make the most of their time there.

I pray that you will use this time to get better, and not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.

I pray that you will use this time to get stronger, so that when you leave the hospital, you are ready and able to live life fully.

You know the condition of this sick person and You know exactly what they need to recover. Give them your perfect rest all night long and may they experience Your healing power working within them all day long.

The power of prayer is amazing! The power of God is amazing! The power of the Holy Spirit is amazing! The power that comes from the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ is beyond anything we can imagine or understand. We know this to be true because He told us so:

“And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 (NKJV)

There are many people in hospitals who are sick right now. Some of them may not recover easily or at all. However, if we pray for them along with those close to them (family members), God has promised us that He will give us whatever we ask for in His name!

A prayer to help a sick person heal in the hospital

When you are praying for another person, it’s important to focus on their needs and how you can help them. You’re not going to be able to make a loved one healthy or cure them overnight, but you can do your part in helping them maintain their health and improve their situation. Prayers are most effective when they are focused on specific things that a person wants or needs, rather than just generic requests like “God give me strength” or “bless my work.”

You should pray for the sick person’s well-being by asking God to protect them from harm, give them strength during this difficult time, and guide doctors so they can heal quickly. If possible, remind yourself of the good qualities of your friend or family member as you pray—it will make it easier (and more meaningful) to recite these words aloud while they’re still in need of guidance:

  • “I ask Thee [God] who art full of mercy: Show me what I should do today so that my brother may recover; may he recover from his illness quickly; may he be able to rest at home again soon”
  • “God almighty! Send Thy healing upon those who suffer from illnesses which have no cure except through Thee alone”

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you And give you peace.

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