Gospel Readings and Teachings

List Of Books Removed From The Bible Pdf Download

List Of Books Removed From The Bible Pdf Download

When you read the bible, there are many books that are left out. These books were excluded because they didn’t fit into the Christian theology and beliefs at the time. The following is a list of some of these missing books:

In the New Testament (NT), there were many books left out.

In the New Testament (NT), there were many books left out. The NT was written in Greek and Hebrew, but not Aramaic, which is what Jesus spoke. So why are there so many books missing? Well, this is because when it came time to create a list of approved books for Christians to read, they didn’t know where all these books had come from or who was responsible for them; there were no authors listed on any scriptures! So they made up lists of their own based on tradition and popular opinion at that time instead of what the bible says about itself:

  • God told Ezra “to write” down all those things which happened before he came (Ezra 7:1)
  • When King David died he told Solomon “to write” down all these instructions (1 Kings 2).

The Gospel of Barnabas

The Gospel of Barnabas is a non-canonical gospel, meaning that it was not accepted as scripture by the early Christians. It was written in 1362 CE and is thought to have been written by an Italian Jew who converted to Islam. He then wrote this gospel so that he could convert his fellow Jews to Christianity. The Gospel of Barnabas was written in Arabic, but it also exists in Spanish and Turkish versions as well.

It should be noted that there are arguments over whether or not this book should actually be called “The Gospel of Barnabas” because it doesn’t include many teachings of Jesus from the New Testament; however, since this is how most people refer to it today we will continue using this name for clarity’s sake

The Apocalypse of Peter

The Apocalypse of Peter is a 2nd century Christian text that is not part of the official canon of the Bible. It was written in Greek and was one of many gnostic texts. The Apocalypse of Peter tells the story of a vision that Peter has about the apocalypse, which is when God will gather all his people and destroy evil forever in heaven.

The Gospel of the Saviour

The Gospel of the Saviour is a lost gospel mentioned in the Muratorian fragment, in the Clementine literature and in the Gospel of the Hebrews. It was written in Greek and it is thought to have been written before 150 CE.

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is not part of the New Testament. It is a Gnostic gospel written around 100-125 CE, which means that it was written during or after the time when Christianity was being established as an official religion by the Roman Empire. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene was one of several gospels written at this time that were excluded from what became known as “The Canon.”

Another thing worth noting about this book: Jesus’ disciple Mary Magdalene appears in this text more than any other female character in The Bible. In fact, she’s arguably one of only two women who can be considered main characters (the other being Eve). Other women are mentioned briefly here and there but don’t really have much influence over the plot or dialogue—with one exception: Mary Magdalene plays a major part throughout all three gospels/books attributed to her name (though scholars suggest that these were actually compiled from multiple sources).

In addition to having key roles in each tale about Jesus’ life on earth (and after), both sources also make references to her being among his earliest followers along with Peter and Andrew; however, unlike them she wasn’t considered an apostle nor did she ever go on any major missions – so why does she get so much attention?

The Pistis Sophia

The Pistis Sophia is a book that was once included in the Bible. It was written in Coptic, and is believed to have been written by Gnostics in the second century. The text is comprised of a dialogue between Jesus and his disciples that covers a range of topics, such as the life of Jesus and the nature of the universe.

The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas is a second-century gospel that was written in the first or second century. It is considered to be a gnostic gospel, one of the Nag Hammadi texts, and not canonical by most modern churches. The text is considered an example of early Christian apocrypha literature because it was copied and circulated for several centuries before being declared heretical by the early Church Fathers such as Irenaeus (c. 180).

The Gospel of Thomas consists primarily of 114 sayings attributed to Jesus that are aimed at revealing his essential teachings based on agape love rather than legalistic rules.

The Acts of Paul and Thecla

The Acts of Paul and Thecla was written in the 2nd century. The book is about the apostle Paul, and it focuses on his relationship with a woman named Thecla. In this story, Paul rescues Thecla from an arranged marriage and converts her to Christianity. The book was often used as an example of a real-life woman who followed God’s word despite societal expectations for women at that time period.

However, because of its questionable origins and content (for example, it describes Paul performing miracles), many scholars believe that this book should not be considered part of the Bible today.

There are many books mentioned in the bible that have been left out.

  • There are many books mentioned in the bible that have been left out.
  • The Gospel of Barnabas, which is a controversial text that some believe to be authentic and others believe to be written by an anti-Semite.
  • The Apocalypse of Peter, which has been called “the most important Christian work ever discovered” because it sheds new light on the beliefs of early Christians.
  • The Gospel of the Saviour, which was mentioned by Origen and other early Church Fathers but was lost until 1983 when it was found in Egypt and published for the first time since being written around 150 CE.
  • The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which presents a radically different view than what’s presented in other writings about Mary Magdalene—for example, she is portrayed as Jesus’ equal rather than his follower or disciple (which would make her one of three).

The bible is the most important book in Christianity. It is believed that all Christians should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his disciples. One way this can be done is by reading scripture everyday in order to increase knowledge about God’s message for humanity. The list above shows some of the books removed from the bible, which could be helpful for those who want more information about their faith!

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