Gospel Readings and Teachings

Prayer For Speedy Recovery From Surgery

Prayer For Speedy Recovery From Surgery

We come before you on behalf of {Name}, who is going through a surgery. We ask that you please give the medical team wisdom, knowledge, and skill to perform the task at hand. Please help us to trust that you are in control, and that you will bring a speedy recovery at just the right time. Please calm our fears and comfort our hearts as we watch our loved one go through this surgery. Give us guidance on what we can do to care for {name} during the days ahead. Help us to not worry or fret over the outcome; instead let us wait on your timing with confidence knowing that it is good! We claim your promise that your plans for us are for good—not for evil—and so we look forward with eager anticipation and hope as we trust in You alone today! In Jesus’ name we pray: Amen.”

Our Lord, we come before you on behalf of {Name}, who is going through a surgery.

God, we come before you on behalf of {Name}, who is going through a surgery. We know that your plans are good and for our benefit, not against us. You are with {Name} and will be with them through this surgery. Please help us to know that you are with {Name} at this difficult time in their life, helping them to trust in the goodness of your plans for them. Thank you for being present in this way during our friend’s surgery and recovery!

We ask that you please give the medical team wisdom, knowledge, and skill to perform the task at hand.

Please pray for the medical team to have wisdom, knowledge and skill to perform the task at hand.

Pray that the patient will be able to recover quickly.

Pray that they will make a full recovery from this surgery.

Please help us to trust that you are in control, and that you will bring a speedy recovery at just the right time.

Dear Lord, we come to you with uncertainty, as we seek your guidance and healing in our lives. We know that you are in control, and that you will bring a speedy recovery at just the right time. We pray that our hearts would be filled with trust for you.

We believe that a surgeon’s hands can heal the body but yours alone can heal the soul. Please help us to trust that you are in control, and that you will bring a speedy recovery at just the right time.

Please calm our fears and comfort our hearts as we watch our loved one go through this surgery.

  • Pray for the patient.
  • Pray for their family and friends who are worried about them.
  • Pray for the doctors and nurses who will be taking care of them during this surgery.
  • Pray that God would comfort your heart as you watch your loved one go through this surgery, whether it be in a hospital or at home with family members around to help take care of them afterward if needed!

Give us guidance on what we can do to care for {name} during the days ahead.

We pray that you will give {name} strength and courage during this time. In addition to our family, friends and caregivers, please also send angels to protect him or her. We ask that you guide us in how we can best care for {name} during the days ahead. Please guide us in managing pain and complications if they arise; let us know what is expected from us so that we can help our loved one heal with dignity and grace.

Please also help us establish realistic expectations for both {name} and his/her family members. We ask that you give all of us peace during these trying times, knowing that all things are possible with You—and caring for one another as Your children would be hard enough without added stressors!

Help us to not worry or fret over the outcome.

  • Help us to not worry or fret over the outcome.
  • Help us to trust your goodness and wisdom.
  • Allow our faith in you to be strengthened by what we are experiencing today.
  • Be with our loved one during this time of healing, giving them strength when they need it most.

We claim your promise that your plans for us are for good, not for evil.

We claim your promise that your plans for us are for good, not for evil. We believe that you have a perfect plan for our lives and that nothing happens by chance or accident. You made us exactly as we should be and you love each of us with a perfect love.

We also claim the truth that all things work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28). We put no limit on what “good” means, because you know what is best in every situation we encounter.

You have great plans for {Name}, and you are with them through this surgery too.

Lord, you are with {Name}. You have great plans for them, and you are with them through this surgery too. You want to use {Name} to do your will.

God’s plans for you are for good, not evil; they are plans that give you life and peace—and they are plans that will last forever! You can trust God’s plan because he is perfect in his wisdom and love; he has nothing but good intentions toward us all!

I pray that {name} will see God’s hand at work even now as they prepare for their surgery tomorrow morning — I pray that this day of preparation will be a time of growth and hope as well as fearlessness. Let it be a time when your presence becomes more real than ever before in their lives…even if only by faith right now until they return home again tomorrow evening or Saturday morning depending on how things go while under anesthesia during surgery hours Thursday afternoon…

We praise you and thank you for all your promises, Lord, and we look forward to seeing how they all come true in your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. Takeaway: Trusting God can help us get through difficult times with grace and peace

The Bible tells us that God is in control of everything and that He has good plans for us. Even though we are going through a difficult time, we can trust that God will work everything out for our good.

God loves you and wants the best for you. He will help you get through this surgery with grace and peace, because he knows it’s what’s best for your body. If there are things you still need to work on in your life, like anger or bitterness towards other people, now may be the perfect time to turn them over to Him so they don’t get in the way during your recovery process!

We are thankful for your love, Lord. We are thankful that you have given us the strength and courage to go through this difficult time in our lives. We know that there will be many good times ahead, but we also know that we need to trust you when things get hard. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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