Gospel Readings and Teachings

Spiritual Meaning Of Finding An Empty Birds Nest

Spiritual Meaning Of Finding An Empty Birds Nest

I recently found an empty birds nest on the ground and was wondering what this symbol might mean. I emailed the above question to the dutch new age magazine Spirit. The answers were all slightly different, but shared some general themes. As you might expect, many relate to new life or new opportunities. So, for example one response was that as a symbol an empty birds nest represents a mother bird giving birth to something new. Another symbolic meaning of finding an empty birds nest is that it can signify “the acceptance of change.”

I emailed the above question to the dutch new age magazine Spirit.

The magazine Spirit published the following answer by Dutch astrologer Willem van der Wielen, who is also a member of the World Federation of Spiritual Healers:

  • “When you find an empty birds nest, this means that you have to take care of yourself.”

The search for spiritual meaning has now come to an end! All I have left to do is make sure I am able to take care of myself.

The answers were all slightly different, but shared some general themes.

What did they say?

The answers were all slightly different, but shared some general themes. The first was that the birds nest could be a sign of an upcoming change in your life. You might be getting ready to make a new start, or even move to a new place. It could also mean that you’re going through some kind of transition right now, whether it’s professionally or personally.

The second answer was that finding an empty bird’s nest means that something has come to an end—a relationship, friendship or project—and this is what has made the bird leave its home behind for good. This could also mean that your old mindset is being replaced with a new way of thinking about things (the empty nest signifying nothing left inside). Finally, it could be symbolic of your own journey into self-sufficiency: having left behind all attachments and concerns about others’ opinions; being able to fly solo without fear; becoming independent from others’ influence on your life direction.”

As you might expect, many relate to new life or new opportunities.

As you might expect, many relate to new life or new opportunities. It can represent the acceptance of change and the end of something old, with a new opportunity on the horizon. The empty nest could also mean that it’s time for you to leave your current situation and make room for something new.

In some cases, it indicates that it’s time to let go of things in order to make space for what’s next; this could be an ending or departure from someone or something (like an old job), but also an opportunity for growth and change—something that is long overdue.

So, for example one response was that as a symbol an empty birds nest represents a mother bird giving birth to something new.

So, for example one response was that as a symbol an empty birds nest represents a mother bird giving birth to something new. The mother bird gives birth to her eggs and nurtures them until they hatch out into baby birds, who then leave their home to find food and establish nests of their own. In this way the empty nest can represent a new beginning or opportunity. Another person said that it represented the idea of having no intention of hatching an egg/baby bird any time soon, or perhaps even at all!

This meaning fits quite nicely with our own experience when we had no plans for children in our future because of our spiritual beliefs about being responsible stewards of the planet (and all living things on it).

Another symbolic meaning of finding an empty birds nest is that it can signify “the acceptance of change.”

The empty bird’s nest is a symbol of change, a reminder of the past and an omen for new challenges ahead. The empty bird’s nest is symbolic of the acceptance of change and new opportunities.

When you find an empty bird’s nest, it can be said that this means that you are entering into a new chapter in your life; some kind of transformation is occurring or soon will be taking place. This could mean anything from moving on from your current job to starting a family and having children, or starting over after losing someone close to you.

An empty birds nest can signify new life or new opportunities.

An empty birds nest can signify new life or new opportunities.

The symbolism of an empty bird’s nest is that something has ended and the mother bird has moved on, leaving behind only a trace of where she was once perched. This can be seen as a sign that change is upon you, whether it be good or bad. The symbolic meaning of an empty birds nest also represents the acceptance of change, which is often difficult for us humans to accept when everything feels so uncertain at first glance!

A mother bird giving birth to something new is another interpretation of an empty bird’s nest symbolizing new life or opportunities. If you find one in your yard or garden, maybe try using this as inspiration for starting up a hobby like gardening yourself? Or perhaps you see this as an opportunity to branch out into something totally different than what you’re currently doing with your life! You never know how much fun it could bring until trying it out!

If we were looking at this from another perspective though—one without so much positivity attached—this could represent death instead: A signifier that someone close has passed away suddenly without any warning signs beforehand (i.e., no funeral preparations made). These types of situations are tragic but unfortunately do happen sometimes; however if there was any warning beforehand then there wouldn’t have been such surprise upon hearing about their passing away so suddenly…

So, if you find an empty birds nest, don’t be alarmed. It may seem like a strange thing to encounter, but there are plenty of interpretations and meanings behind it. If you want to know more about what this has to do with your life or situation then I recommend taking the time for some spiritual reflection on the meaning behind this symbol.

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