Gospel Readings and Teachings

The bible study guide PDF free download

The bible study guide PDF free download

The Bible is a complex book that can be difficult to understand. However, with time and patience, you will be able to make sense of it. The following steps will help you read the Bible more closely:

1. Choose a time and place for your quiet time.

  • Choose a time that is convenient for you.
  • Choose a place that is quiet and comfortable.
  • Choose a place that is free from distractions.

If you are in your bedroom, and the television is on, this may be distracting to you because it may pull your attention away from what you want to focus on during your devotional time with God. Likewise, if there are family members or pets who like to tap on items to get attention or play, these things can also be considered distractions for some people (like me!). So choose an area where there will not be any interruptions—or at least ones that don’t bother you much!

2. Learn to distinguish between God’s voice and your own.

How do you know if God is speaking to you?

  • Listen for the voice of God. Ask yourself, “What does this passage mean to me? What does it say about my life and my walk with Christ? How can I apply this truth today?”
  • Listen for the voice of the Spirit. Is there a word or phrase that stands out to you in an unusual way? Take note of that word or phrase and think about how it applies to your life.
  • Listen for the voice of Jesus. Read through each chapter and make notes on what verses speak specifically to your situation or circumstances in life at this moment (for example: “Jesus said . . .”). Note any promises or truths that are especially meaningful right now. It may be helpful here if some questions come up during your reading (e.g., Why did Jesus say this?). Asking these questions will help you determine where more specific guidance might be found within Scripture regarding how best to apply its message in light of your particular situation/circumstance(s).

3. Ask God to help you understand what you are reading.

  • Ask God to help you understand what you are reading.
  • Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and understanding as you study (James 1:5).

4. Practice listening for the message in the passage and in each sentence.

  • Practice listening for the message in the passage and in each sentence. By reading a passage slowly, you can give your mind time to understand what you are reading and hear the message being spoken by it. Reading out loud gives you an opportunity to hear how it sounds and helps you remember key words or phrases from the text. Reading silently allows your mind to become familiar with this passage, which will help when memorizing verses later on.

Reading the Word is one of many ways we learn about God through His Word!

5. Let go of your own agenda, presumptions and expectations when studying Scripture.

Realize that the Bible is God’s Word, not yours. You can’t assume you know what it says or means. Let go of your own agenda, presumptions and expectations when studying Scripture. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t assume you know what the Bible says. Don’t expect to understand everything at first. Be patient with yourself as you continue your study; over time, God will reveal more of His truth to you!

6. Be excited about coming to the Bible with a fresh, open heart and mind each time you read it.

The Bible is a book of life, love, hope and wisdom. It contains the answers to all your questions and it is filled with truth which will set you free. The Bible is also a book of faith that leads us to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

The Bible is a book of love because it was written by God through men who loved Him enough to obey His Word (John 14:15).

The Bible is a book of hope because when we read it we realize how much God loves us even though we are sinners! We can have confidence in Him because He has given us His Word which never changes (James 1:17).

7. Journal your reflections after spending time reading the Bible or putting into practice what you have read during the day

Journaling your reflections after spending time reading the Bible or putting into practice what you have read during the day is an important part of any study. Sometimes, I will write down my thoughts and emotions in a journal before bed each night. This helps me process my day, reflect on what God has done for me and how I can apply it to our relationship, pray about specific things that need prayer, and set goals for tomorrow.

Here are some questions to get started:

  • What did I learn today? How were these things confirmed by scripture?
  • What do I need to do next? Do I need to take action immediately or later this week?
  • How can I apply this lesson or scripture passage into my everyday life?

The bible study guide PDF free download

The bible study guide PDF free download

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The bible study guide PDF free download

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