How Many Times Is Tithing Mentioned In The New Testament
How Many Times Is Tithing Mentioned In The New Testament
In the Old Testament, there are many verses that command people to give a tenth of their income to God. For example, Leviticus 27:30-32 says:
“You must give one-tenth of your land’s produce as an offering to the Lord.” This is also true for every other kind of crop and livestock. “But now you will have an opportunity to trade it for food,” declares the Lord All-Powerful. “After all, you can’t eat the tithe.”
The tithe (10%) was used in the Old Testament to support the Levitical priests who ministered at the temple; it was also given to widows and orphans. In addition, some people were commanded by God in Deuteronomy 14:28-29 not only to tithe but also give additional offerings for special occasions such as planting crops or harvest time (shmita), Passover/Feast of Firstfruits/Pentecost/Feast of Tabernacles (seven days around Israel’s birthday), building tabernacles or tents (sukkot), giving thanksgiving offerings on Sabbaths and festivals when God blessed them with good crops from which they could take extra produce after their regular work days ended at sundown each day; during these times they’d leave early so that no one would see them working on Sunday morning before sunrise! In addition there were other emergencies like famine/drought when families were required by law not only share what they had left with others but also sell off their land if necessary so everyone could survive together while waiting out natural disasters; this happened often enough back then because modern scientists tell us things change on earth faster than ever before since we started living here almost 10k years ago!
There are no commands to tithe in the New Testament
You may be wondering how many times tithing is mentioned in the New Testament. The answer is zero. Tithing is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament because it was a Jewish practice and not a Christian one.
Tithing was never practiced by Jesus or his disciples; therefore, Christians should not practice it either!
There are a handful of references to the tithe in the New Testament
There are a handful of references to the tithe in the New Testament.
In Matthew 23:23, Jesus says that “you should not be called ‘teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, and you are all brothers.” This verse may imply that tithing is common practice among Christians at the time of writing. In Luke 11:42, Jesus says that if someone gives him even a cup of cold water, he will be rewarded in eternity (and probably also receive an orange juice). In Luke 18:12–13, Zacchaeus promises to give half his possessions to those who are poor and needy after Jesus visits him.
Tithing is not the only biblical principle for giving
The tithe is only a principle, not the only principle. The Bible also clearly teaches that Christians are to give cheerfully and sacrificially.
We are all familiar with 2 Corinthians 8:1, which says that we should give as our “lively faith” dictates. Since God promises to bless our giving (Deuteronomy 16:17-18), we need to understand that this blessing will help us meet the needs of others who are in greater need than us. We can support ministries like those of [charities].
In the Old Testament, tithing was for food and not money.
In the Old Testament, tithing was for food and not money. You can read more about this in Leviticus 27:30-33, which says “all tithes of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of trees, are the LORD’s; it is holy to the LORD. If a man wishes to redeem any of his tithes, he shall add one-fifth to them; they are holy to the LORD”.
There is no direct commandment to tithe in the NT
There is no direct commandment to tithe in the NT. The principle of tithing is found in many places, but it is not a universal requirement for Christians today.
There are other biblical principles for giving that the New Testament clearly supports and underscores. For example, the Bible teaches about giving generously (2 Corinthians 8:1-2), cheerfully (Philippians 4:15), freely (Luke 6:38), freely with joy (Galatians 5:22), and generously as we have been prospered (1 Corinthians 16:2).
Jesus did not say he came to abolish sacrifices or offerings; rather, Jesus said he came to fulfill what was written in Scripture about worshiping God through sacrifice, offerings and feasts (Matthew 5:17).
The New Testament is the foundation for Christian giving. The Bible does not command Christians to tithe, but there are many principles that can be applied from the Old Testament. Tithing was one of these principles, but it has been superseded by other biblical teachings in light of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. God wants His people to give generously as they have been blessed by Him with all things needed for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We will never know if tithing would have continued as part of Christian giving if Jesus had not instituted this new covenant based upon his own sacrificial death instead of animal sacrifices offered up by Aaron’s descendants who were priests serving under Moses’ law at Mount