Can A Person Die Before Their Time According To The Bible
Can A Person Die Before Their Time According To The Bible
People have asked me, “Can a person die before their time according to the Bible?” The answer is yes. The Bible records many examples of people who died before their time. Let’s look at some of those examples below:
The Bible is the word of God, and it teaches us about life. It tells us what we can expect in this world, and how to be prepared for eternity. This article will help you understand more about death, Heaven, and Hell.
Psalm 91
Psalm 91 is a long psalm that is a prayer to God for protection. It begins by saying that he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (1). God is great and He rules over all men, including those who do evil and those who do good (2). The righteous are protected from harm when they walk with God in their hearts and minds (3-4) because He makes their way perfect (5). Not only does this protect them from harm but it ensures that they will not be troubled by any enemy or sudden visitations at night (6-8). Those who are godly also find refuge with Him when troubles arise because He makes them like a shield against their fears (9-12). Those who fear Him greatly trust in His help and receive salvation from him when trouble comes upon them (13-16). In other words, Psalm 91 says that God protects everyone; even the wicked! But as we read on through this psalm we see something else:
God’s absolute sovereignty over all things. There is no one or anything that can escape His power, authority, justice and mercy.
The LORD’s Protection Of The Just
As you may have noticed, throughout the Bible God’s protection is not a guarantee of a long life. Sometimes it is the righteous who die young, before they can procreate and establish families (Genesis 35:18-19). Sometimes it is their children who are taken away by disease or war (Deuteronomy 7:15). There are many examples of God’s protection being withdrawn from His people because of their sins (Judges 2:17-23; 3:7-10).
God’s protection also does not necessarily mean that we will live our lives in health and happiness. The book of Job tells us that even though he was blameless before God, Satan could still afflict him with sickness and death (Job 1:11; 2:7). And Jesus himself said that those who are faithful unto death will be given eternal life (Revelation 2:10; 20:6). In fact, even though Jesus suffered for our sins on the cross and died so we could be forgiven, he knew that his death was coming soon after he told his disciples that some of them would die before him (Mark 13:30)!
The LORD’s Protection Of The Wicked
The Lord does not protect the wicked from the consequences of their own sin. The wicked are not protected from their own sin. In fact, they are often destroyed by it. This is why God did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19). It was because of their immorality and wickedness that God brought destruction upon them.
The Bible is clear that people need to be careful to stay away from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). We also must be careful about how we treat others, especially those who do not know Christ because we do not want them following us into hell (Matthew 7:13-14).
The LORD’s Protection And Justice In General
God is the author of life and death. He judges all people, and he determines when they will die. Whether you live or die depends on God’s plan for you, which includes his time schedule for your death.
God is also the one who determines who will be born when. You may ask “Why was I born at this time?” The answer is that God had a purpose for your life, and he wanted to fulfill it as soon as possible by bringing you into existence at that precise moment in history, so that no other birth could have taken place before yours did (1 Corinthians 15:23).
God has the power to determine when a person or group of people die. He protects and saves his servants from trouble, but he does not protect the wicked from themselves and their own sin.
This is a controversial subject, but there is one thing that must be clear in your mind: God has the power to determine when a person or group of people die. He protects and saves his servants from trouble, but he does not protect the wicked from themselves and their own sin.
This means that God could choose to save a person from death by disease or accident if he wanted to do so and then send them home when they were ready (but not before). A person who was in prison with terminal cancer might be released into the arms of their family at 5 pm on Saturday, rather than being forced to wait until Monday morning at 8 am.
The Bible says that God sent rain on Sodom and Gomorrah because he had already decided that these cities would be destroyed for their wickedness (Genesis 19:11). This means we can know with certainty that some people are going to die before their time simply because it’s part of God’s plan for them; however, this doesn’t mean we should try to change what God has planned!
The Bible is clear that God has the power to determine when a person or group of people will die. He does not protect the wicked from their own sin, but he does protect his servants from trouble and evil.