Gospel Readings and Teachings

Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person

Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person

The Bible says that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). As Christians, we are aware of our need for God’s help in all things, including our relationships. Sometimes, the only way we can get through a difficult situation or relationship is if we ask God to intervene. That’s why I’ve written this prayer—to help anyone who struggles with a relationship. It’s my hope that praying it will lead to peace in your life and heart as well as in the other person’s heart and mind as well.


Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person

  • Take a moment to be still and close your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath in for the count of three and let it out for the count of four, breathing in again slowly through your nose and then exhaling slowly through your mouth as you imagine all negative energy leaving your body as you breathe out.
  • When you’re ready, repeat this phrase aloud: “I am worthy of love and acceptance by others, especially _____(insert name here). May they find their own happiness within themselves before seeking it with me or anyone else; may they know that I want them to succeed even if that means we are no longer together; may they be kind to themselves without my help or input; may I find my own happiness within myself without their influence; may our love last forever but not prevent either of us from growing into better people than what we once were together.”

Dear Lord, I lift up _______ to You and ask that You would bless this relationship. Bring to mind any way that I have caused pain for _______ by my words or actions. Forgive me.

Dear Lord, I lift up _______ to You and ask that You would bless this relationship. Bring to mind any way that I have caused pain for _______ by my words or actions. Forgive me.

I know that this person is special and important in Your sight. Help me to be patient with them as they learn about the ways of the Lord, and help me to understand their struggles more clearly so that we might grow together in our faith. Thank You for all the ways in which _____ has blessed my life!

Remind us both of our need for each other – as friends, as family members, or whatever capacity we find ourselves working together in – so that we can support one another and encourage one another along our journey towards becoming more fully like Christ by loving others selflessly with all our hearts, souls and minds (Matthew 22:36-38).

Help me to be a source of peace and comfort, not anxiety and pain. Help me to completely forget any past hurts from _____ or from others; and help _____ to do the same.

Let’s start with the first part, which is just asking God to help you to be a source of peace and comfort, not anxiety and pain. If you are going through something right now, or have gone through something in the past, then this prayer applies to you. I’m sure there are some things that can be taken care of through prayer, but sometimes you just have to let go of what happened and move on.

Secondly we need your help with forgetting any past hurts from _____ or from others; and help _____ to do the same. This part is important because if there’s one thing God hates more than anything else, it is prideful people who don’t want others’ forgiveness or acceptance. He wants us all (even those who have hurt us) looking forward so we can keep growing closer together rather than dwelling on past grievances.

If there is anything in me that makes it difficult for _____ to trust me, please reveal it and help me to change. Help me to show respect and courtesy, even when I am having a hard time doing so out of hurt feelings.

If there is anything in me that makes it difficult for _____ to trust me, please reveal it and help me to change. Help me to show respect and courtesy, even when I am having a hard time doing so out of hurt feelings.

I pray that _____ will see my heart of love for him/her as we continue our relationship together. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!

Help us both to be willing to forgive each other, even when we are not asked for forgiveness. Give us Your wisdom when it comes to dealing with each other; and may our conversations build each other up instead of tearing each other down.

As you pray, ask God for healing for both of you. Pray that He will help you both to be willing to forgive each other, even when you are not asked for forgiveness. Give us Your wisdom when it comes to dealing with each other; and may our conversations build each other up instead of tearing each other down.

Pray specifically that:

  • You would be able to forgive the person who is hurting your relationship (or someone else)
  • The person who has hurt your relationship (or another person) would also be able to forgive anyone who has hurt them
  • If necessary, we can begin again on new ground with a clean slate free from any pain or resentment that might have come before

And if it is not according to Your perfect plan and purpose I ask that you would end this relationship in a way that causes the least heartache possible. But above all else, I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen

And if it is not according to Your perfect plan and purpose I ask that you would end this relationship in a way that causes the least heartache possible. But above all else, I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen

Thank you for praying with me, Abigail. Now let’s get back to work on your paper!

If you struggle with a relationship with someone, pray these words through so God can restore your relationship with them

  • If you struggle with a relationship with someone, pray these words through so God can restore your relationship with them.
  • Pray for them and ask God to help you forgive them for their wrongdoings and be able to accept the forgiveness that they have offered.
  • Ask God to help you see things from their perspective so that you can understand why they have done what they have done or said what they have said.

As you can see, there are many different types of prayers that we can pray in order to improve our relationships. This is just one example of how a prayer for a particular person could look like. The important thing to remember is that prayer works! If you have any other ideas about how to pray for your relationship with someone specific please share them below in the comments section and let us know what worked out well or not so well for those who tried it out!

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