Gospel Readings and Teachings

when you dream about fish what does it mean

when you dream about fish what does it mean

There’s a lot of symbolism to be found in the ocean. You may be surprised by the meanings of your dream about fish, but it’s not uncommon for people to have fish dreams. In fact, there are many types of fish that can appear in your dreams. The kind and number of fish that appear in your dream can reveal different meanings; however, there are some common themes when it comes to dreaming about fish: being more connected with the spiritual world or becoming more intuitive. If you find yourself surrounded by dead or decaying fish in your dream state, then you might want to postpone any business deals for a better time—or at least take some time off from work!

Your thinking has become clear and focused.

You’ve likely heard that “a dream is a wish your heart makes.” But what about when you dream about fish? Fish symbolize clarity, focus, and the ability to think clearly. When you dream of fish, it means that your thinking has become clear and focused.

You may also want to consider that dreams are an expression of our subconscious mind—the part of us that processes information and emotions we don’t always have access to through conscious thought. So when we dream about seeing, hearing or talking with fish in a positive way, it could be an indication that we have overcome some inner fear or obstacle.

Here are some examples:

  • You are on vacation in Cancun with your best friend from college who now lives in New York City (weird right?). You go swimming at night by yourself during a full moon – which is kind of scary because there aren’t many people around and there’s no lifeguard on duty – but then you see some beautiful glittery green parrotfish swimming along side you! They’re so friendly too! It seems like they want to play…so why not take them up on their offer? After all how often does one get the chance out here on this lonely beach?

Fish can represent an encounter with the spiritual world.

Fish, as a symbol of the spiritual world, can be seen as an encounter with the subconscious and/or unconscious mind. It’s likely that you’re having this dream because you’ve recently had an experience that’s affected your subconscious or unconscious in some way. You may be trying to make sense of it.

In addition to representing encounters with the spiritual world, fish can also represent someone who is clever or wise. This is because fish are often very intelligent creatures that have long been held up as symbols for understanding things beyond human capabilities (such as “the seven seas”).

Fish may also be a sign that you are becoming more in tune with your intuition.

When you dream about fish, it is often a sign that your unconscious mind is trying to tell you something. Fish are often associated with intuition because all creatures living in water have a heightened sense of perception, including the ability to detect changes in their environment through physical senses, such as touch and taste. When this happens, they will react accordingly by changing their behavior or going into hiding from predators.

If you are having dreams about fish swimming around in your subconsciousness then this could be an indication that your intuition is becoming more acute over time. You may also be able to recognize patterns which previously remained hidden before now being brought forward due to some subconscious catalyst acting upon them (such as stress). This could mean great things for your future if used properly!

If you dream of eating fish, people will soon find out about your success, or your status will go up in some way.

If you dream of eating fish, people will soon find out about your success, or your status will go up in some way. For example:

  • If you’re single and dreaming of eating fried fish, it may mean that someone very attractive is going to enter your life soon.
  • If you’re married and dreaming of being served fried fish for dinner by someone who isn’t your spouse, this indicates that there’s something new coming into the relationship—either a new person or simply more intimacy between the two of you (which may be welcome).

To see dead or decaying fish indicates frustration over a lost opportunity or disappointment in some situation.

  • You need to be careful about the things you say.
  • You may be too focused on one thing.
  • You need to be more open to new ideas.
  • You need to be more flexible and patient with others in order for them to do what they want.
  • If you are having problems in your relationship it may mean that your partner is not as interested as they used to be and/or they don’t make much effort anymore so it’s up tp you now if things will continue or not:

If the fish was dead on arrival, you might want to postpone any business deals for a better time.

If the fish was dead on arrival, you might want to postpone any business deals for a better time. This is a sign of disappointment and a lack of clarity. Perhaps it is also an indication that you are not taking this situation in stride, which could lead to resentment or frustration.

If your dream included someone else’s dead fish and you didn’t recognize it as such, this could be an indication that there is something hidden from you—maybe even by yourself! Give yourself some time alone so that you can gain clarity before making any big decisions or commitments.

If you dream that the fish is alive, but there is something terribly wrong with it, it symbolizes a lack of communication and connection between you and someone close to you.

If you dream that the fish is alive, but there is something terribly wrong with it, it symbolizes a lack of communication and connection between you and someone close to you. For example:

  • You’re having dinner at a restaurant with your husband and he’s telling one of his long-winded stories that has no meaning or point. You try to get him off topic by asking questions about where the fish came from or if they have any wine other than red, but he just keeps talking.
  • Your son comes home from school with bad grades on his report card and instead of having an honest conversation about why this is happening (e.g., lack of effort) or what could be done differently going forward, he gets defensive and tells his teacher she’s mean because she won’t let him hand in the assignment late.

Fish are sometimes an omen of good things to come

Dreaming of fish is a sign that good fortune is coming your way.

Fish symbolize abundance and prosperity, so if you dream of seeing fish swimming in your belly or around you, it means money will come soon.

A large school of fish could also mean that you are about to receive a financial windfall. If the fish are jumping out of the water or flying over your head, then this indicates an unexpected amount of money coming into your life soon.

In addition to the monetary meanings associated with dreaming about them, many cultures see aquatic creatures as symbols of fertility and sexual desire. A dream about catching an oversized salmon or grouper could indicate that someone in your life will soon be pregnant with their first child…and if they’re not currently dating anyone? Then this may be a sign that they’re finally ready for commitment!

The next time you dream of fish in any context, pay attention to the details. What species is it? How large is the fish? What does it look like? Does it feel good or bad? How does this affect your mood when you wake up from the dream? If you can answer these questions, then your interpretation will be much more accurate than if you just relied on one word to describe what happened (e.g., “it was scary”).

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